Nameless comic page 5

EarthBound Page 5
This is the fifth page of an Earthbound based doujinshi I started some months back. It was drawn with Copic Liners and toned with Corel Photo-Paint.
It's kind of a crossover of EarthBound and Super Mario Brothers. In the comic, we see Plo (a Happy-Happiest) from Earthbound getting attacked by the Blooper. In Earthbound, there was a cult in Happy Happy Village called the Happy Happiests who were obsessed with painting everything blue and only ever wore blue mechanic's outfits. So, Blooper is taking his revenge ^_^
I especially like the tone I used in the background ^_^

EarthBound Page 5
This is the fifth page of an Earthbound based doujinshi I started some months back. It was drawn with Copic Liners and toned with Corel Photo-Paint.
It's kind of a crossover of EarthBound and Super Mario Brothers. In the comic, we see Plo (a Happy-Happiest) from Earthbound getting attacked by the Blooper. In Earthbound, there was a cult in Happy Happy Village called the Happy Happiests who were obsessed with painting everything blue and only ever wore blue mechanic's outfits. So, Blooper is taking his revenge ^_^
I especially like the tone I used in the background ^_^